Many New Mexicans cast their ballot for the candidate who best represents their religious and moral beliefs. For Catholic voters, that can often mean the candidate who opposes abortion rights. One of those voters is Robert Wall, a computer technician who coaches a kids’ swim team in Albuquerque.
"I think it comes down to rights," said Wall, a registered independent who votes based not on party affiliation, but on his Catholic values. "We have a right to eat, a right to work, a right to an education, a right to raise a family. As far as the pro-life side, I see that as the right that all the other rights stand up on."
Wall says he's not thrilled with either major party candidate. "I don't see these as candidates of great character," he said. But even though voting for the lesser of two evils isn't ideal, Wall said, he'll pick Trump because he's one who has taken an anti-abortion rights position.
"I don't admire the man one bit," Wall said. "I'm Catholic, and our pope said, wisely, to pray, study and vote." For Wall, that means putting what he calls pro-life issues ahead of all the others.
KUNM’s Public Health New Mexico project is funded by the WK Kellogg Foundation, the Con Alma Health Foundation, and the McCune Charitable Foundation.