Bobby Gutierrez
HostBobby Gutierrez is a lifelong New Mexican, is a photographer, radio host, and glazier. His work with two local collectives, Raíces of KUNM and Humans of New Mexico, focuses on celebrating the culture and people of the state. In addition to contributing his photography to HNM he also helps produce the monthly "Humans of New Mexico" show for Espejos de Aztlán and co-hosts the music show "Raíces".
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Mon. 2/5, 7:30p: Interview and live performance by flamenco guitarist Juani de la Isla. From the Island of San Fernando (Cádiz, Spain) a place known as…
Mon.9/18, 7p: Oral history through "testimonio" is at the heart of the community collective project, Humans of New Mexico/Humanos de Nuevo México. We´ll…
Mon.8/14, 7p: Oral history through "testimonio" is at the heart of the community collective project, Humans of New Mexico/Humanos de Nuevo México. We´ll…
Mon. 8/28, 7p: Espejos de Aztlán show will take you on a historical journey through the experience of Latino students at UNM from the Civil Rights period…
Mon.6/19, 7p: Oral history through "testimonio" is at the heart of the community collective project, Humans of New Mexico/Humanos de Nuevo México. In…